среда, 29. јануар 2014.

First snow

If you're short like me thigh high socks can do wonders to make you appear super tall! I wore them with my tartan skirt to show off the socks and paired the skirt with a black  sweater and oversized scarf to add more dimension to the look. My black booties are perfect to wear with long black socks, they seamlessly add even more height to this look.

Ако ste niski kао ја carape preko kolena mogu da ucine da izgledate vise.  Nosila sam ih sa mojom kariranom suknjom, crnim dzemperom i oversize salom. Crne cizme sa platformom idealno izgleaju sa ovom kombinacijom  i naravno dodaju na visini.

new yorker coat
calliope scarf
new yorker sweater
orsay skirt
aldo bag

понедељак, 21. октобар 2013.

уторак, 15. октобар 2013.

субота, 12. октобар 2013.

My first post, in my favourite jeffrey campbell boots.

orsay dress
jeffrey campbell boots
iron fist bag
new yorker belt